MiteGuard® dust mite barrier bedding covers – allergen protection for the whole family
MiteGuard dust mite barrier bedding covers are scientifically proven to reduce allergy symptoms while you sleep. Dust mites and their allergen particles can trigger coughing, sneezing, rhinitis, eczema and asthma, causing distress and disruption to the whole family at night.
MiteGuard's range of mattress covers, pillow covers, duvet covers and travel sheets are made in New Zealand from precision woven 3.5-micron natural cotton fabric. Our barrier fabric is pressure tested with real allergen, and is proven to block both dust mite and cat allergen. The covers completely enclose your mattress and bedding to create an effective dust mite barrier to help you get a sound night's sleep.
Shop now and get dust mite allergy relief for your family.

Is it a dust mite allergy?
Frequent sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose and itchy eyes at bedtime are common symptoms of a Dust Mite allergy. You might also cough, have a wheeze or develop eczema.
Lying all night long next to an allergy trigger can interrupt everyone's sleep and make it hard to manage your health.
Clinical research shows lowering exposure to Dust mite allergen can help reduce your symptoms. Using our protective bed covers can help.
Helping Others ...
Your purchase will be helping others too - for every website order, MiteGuard® NZ donates $1.00 to Allergy New Zealand & Asthma NZ.
For more info about these great charities:
Click HereThe MiteGuard® Range
Made in New Zealand from fully researched, proven effective allergen barrier fabrics.
All our covers come with a 5 year manufacturer's guarantee.